FAQs - to be reviewed
1. Where can I get tech start contact to start proceedings?
Here is the ONDC integration guide https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1HPRXk3lVYKmyAFcApgukZuwHhIZ_VlqR/edit#slide=id.g158b58a8d20_0_78 .
You can follow this ONDC Developer Guide for more.
2. How would we get the APIs to build and integration into our applications?
There are two resources:
First is the Confluence page: 3. Understanding the APIs
Second is the swagger link: https://app.swaggerhub.com/organizations/ONDC
3. How do I get added to ONDC’s staging registry?
You need to provide the following JSON payload to be added to the ONDC staging registry.
"country": "IND",
"city": "",
"type": "",
"subscriber_id": "",
"subscriber_url": "",
"domain": "",
"signing_public_key": "",
"encr_public_key": "",
"created": "",
"valid_from": "",
"valid_until": "",
"updated": ""
Or refer to this document
Once this payload is built, please fill out the form below
4.What will be my subscriber_id & subscriber_url
You need a SSL configured hosted domain for registering to ONDC network. It will be your subscriber_id. Subscriber_url is the url where you want to host on_subscribe and all other APIs.
5.Where can I get signing_public_key & encr_public_key
These keys are used for encryption.
We have a utility to create these keys , you can check it from here
Utility repo: This utility will help you generate key pairs, create/verify authorization headers.
6. What is valid_from & valid_until
These are for the validity of key value pairs shared for registration.
valid_from is when they were created from and valid_until is till when they are valid.
7. When I follow the procedure mentioned in the guide I get a response that my subscriber ID is not whitelisted.
This is an error received in the PreProd/ Prod registry if the subscriber_url is not whitelisted before calling the /subscribe API. For registering on PreProd/ Prod registry, please follow the steps as mentioned in ONDC Official GitHub here https://github.com/ONDC-Official/developer-docs/blob/main/registry/Onboarding%20of%20Participants.md
8. How long typically would it take for us to onboard ourselves as a hyperlocal logistics
It depends on the integration of APIs and the development of the application/ platform. To get from staging to pre-prod to production, it may take anywhere between 2-6 months depending upon your implementation and verification of logs that is done between each environment. You can view the integration guide for more information.
1. Is there any API timeout as well? Is TTL the API Call timeout or it's the validity of the response
Yes, TTL is API call timeout (For now, ONDC has defined this validity and set it as 30 seconds)
2. If we search umbrella and we have an umbrella seller who is selling an umbrella, then how will
the network decide who will be at the top of the list?
This is a buyer app imperative and depends on the buyer app displaying the results. It does not depend on the network. The buyer app uses sorting/ ranking criteria and showcases the same.
The buyer app may consider various other factors like location, rating, etc. for sorting and ranking as long as it's done in a fair manner.
On the reference buyer app used for testing, it depends upon the quickness of the on_search response received. If a response is faster, then it will be displayed at first.
Seller/ Seller App
1.Is there any sample ONDC seller app or platform we can take inspiration from?
Yes, we developed a reference seller App SDK https://github.com/ONDC-Official/seller-app-sdk
2. Can a seller who doesn’t have a GST number sell on ONDC?
A seller must have a GST number to sell on ONDC.
3. If I have a buyer app and a seller app, can I control the priority of display for the buyers basis
my contracts with the sellers behind my seller app.
The buyer app showcasing the sellers should use fair logic for sorting/ ranking the listings per ONDC Policy. This logic has to be fair and the buyer apps cannot prioritise certain sellers outside this logic.
4. Will the same product price be shown by various buyer apps differently?
The price can be different as delivery charges and buyer commission fee, and seller’s own price for the product may vary.
5. What if the seller wants to provide additional offers like cashback, bonuses, etc. indirectly? Is there
any option to enable that or is it left to the buyer's discretion only?
Yes, the Seller can enable additional offers & promotions. Please refer to the API Contract v:1.2 https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1kwY_PXHP9M7TOAUzrbM_lmD4ZRJ2-GkX
6. How do we register on ONDC as a Seller? We are not a seller APP but we are a manufacturer of
bedding category and would like to be listed on ONDC to be able to sell our product.
You can be integrated with an MSN (Marketplace Seller Node) Seller Application that is on the network and register with them to sell your products.
What about a seller having a rental service? Like bike/car rentals?
It will come as part of the mobility domain in the future.
9. We provide service similar to Shopify where we provide a platform to seller and how I make it
compatible so that my sellers get displayed on ONDC can you explain a protocol for TSP?
TSP, or Technology Service Provider, refers to a company or organization that offers a range of technology-related services to clients or customers. Here is a list of TSP available on our network https://ondc.org/network-participants/
You can follow the same process as described in this ONDC Developer Guide , essentially registering into the network and then integrating the necessary APIs into your own platform. The APIs can themselves be versioned and maintained as a template for them to be re-used again across multiple seller platforms.
10. We are an FnB Point of the sale service provider. Will we be able to onboard all our restaurant
partners/clients and provide integrated services?
Yes, Being an MSN, you can onboard sellers as individual provider.
11. Do we get the forecast of locations or cities from ONDC to build our supply ie delivery
partners as logistics support, more like expanding with ONDC expansion
A seller provides their serviceability and then checks with on-network logistics providers to service a request. The locations to be serviced by a logistics provider is something that they themselves define.
Here is the serviceability construct document https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k8Wo5kRubUjilydJP-vXQppVX8-GcAblXjbHnNZu_wE/edit#heading=h.fj81f2fixssq
12. What is price.maximum_value and price.value?
price.maximum_value is MRP and price.value is the selling price
13. I have built a buyer app and want to test with ONDC reference seller app. Where can I get the credentials for that?.
You can sign up as admin by using the below link:
14. I have implemented reference seller app on my local host, where can I get the login credentials.
You can sign up as admin by using your-seller-app-link/sign-up.
1. Does a logistics service provider post the pricing directly to a consumer or does it get added to
the seller's on top costing/commission?
It can be both. Up to the seller app to frame the breakup.
2. We are a logistics partner and want to integrate with ONDC, is there any API to implement to deliver the order to the customer?
You can come as a logistics service provider, for that you can follow the API contract for logistics to implement the API specs.
Can we have a hyperlocal logistic provider as well?
Which API contract document should I follow for Retail & Logistics v1.2.?
V1.2 is released in Phase wise manner, You can follow Phase 1 documents for the respective domains:
2. If we don't have a website and we register with ONDC, do we still need to register with the other apps or is it automatic?
Requests are automated, however, if your own application is not hosted you will not receive any requests from other applications.
3. Can we use it for E-Tech field to sell and buy courses?
No, as of now
4. We want to know how to get the API keys for the reference applications.
There are multiple keys needed in setting up the reference applications, such as MapMyIndia, Firebase, Justpay, and Bugzilla. You can find the key generation procedure from respective documents or git README file.
Seller App SDK ReadMe
Buyer SDK ReadMe
5. Is it necessary to have a landing page/domain name to register as TSP on ONDC as it is a mandatory field in the form?
It is not mandatory to have a landing page, but, because your company domain becomes part of your subscriber ID (subscriber_id), you need to host a domain.
6. In context of ODR(Online Dispute Resolution), is there a possibility of tying up as a support service provider? Kind of call center providing services across the nation, can that be onboarded?
This isn't sold over the network as of now. One would have to reach out to individual NPs for the same
7. If I am starting as a TSP, I want to provide a platform to sellers. What should be my first step in
the development?
API development of acting like a seller app on the network communicating with other entities/NPs.
8. How will a reconciliation service provider get the transaction data? Will RSPs need to talk
to Buyer Apps or Network mandates them to provide it to RSPs
RSP function is optional. The information provided by an NP to the RSP is up to them to help them in creating the settlement instruction before from the /collector_recon API which captures the end result of the reconciliation
9. What are the lengths of each parameter and data type in all apis? How will I check the length?
I am able to find the string data type in Swagger only.
The commonly utilized data types in the APIs are string and number/integer. These data types can be inferred by examining the schema specified in the API contract (indicated by the use of quotes for strings and non-quoted representation for numbers or integers). Further, specific attributes related to quantity count must be sent in a stringified format. Please refer to the footnotes of the contract for more information regarding this requirement.
In general, there are no strict limitations on the length of most data types. However, for price values represented as strings, they should have a maximum of two decimal digits. Additionally, when considering the delivery location in /init and onwards (specifically under "fulfillments/end/location/address"), certain validations apply. The combined length of the name, building, and locality should not exceed 190 characters, and each individual component (name, building, locality) should have a minimum length of 3 characters. Detailed information regarding these guidelines and others can be found within the API contract documentation.
10. What is the base url which I should use to post the on_search during development? Can I test
the on_search by taking a dummy transaction id and message id?
The response from the "on_search" API is routed to the buyer app through a gateway. You can find the endpoint of the gateway in the ONDC-Official GitHub repository under the https://github.com/ONDC-Official/developer-docs section.
Alternatively, you can "lookup" the registry to obtain the Gateway information.
It is important to note that both the "transaction_id" and "message_id" should remain unchanged from the original values received in the "/search" request.
11. Is the API integration guidelines provided separately for Seller, Buyer and Logistics providers?
Yes, It is separate. One is for retail transactions and one is for logistics transaction. There are available in developer docs ONDC Developer Guide If and when there would be new versions, the drive will be updated with the new contract versions.
12. If we are TSP of Mobile application and we don't have any backend setup. How can ONDC
benefit us?
ONDC simplifies and decentralises the e-commerce space by introducing a communication protocol for both buyer and seller entities across multiple domains. With that being said, ONDC makes possible for any NP (Network Participant) on the network to communicate across the network for numerous services, however, for any application-level logic/implementation, it’s recommended to host your own backend services. These services will also be responsible for communicating with the ONDC NPs through pre-defined set of APIs and defined API schemas. With ONDC, transaction logic is simplified and becomes a delegated responsibility of various NPs on the network.
13. How we can do product customization like pizza crust, size and toppings in api v1.1.0?
This is available in v1.2 . Please refer to the document https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1kwY_PXHP9M7TOAUzrbM_lmD4ZRJ2-GkX
14. I am an ISN and have my website built on WordPress. How can I integrate with ONDC?
It will mostly be handled through an adapter/plugin. You either have to develop your own adapter by coding it or wait for the adapter to be developed. Currently we have adaptors for shopify and magento will be developed soon.